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Marriage Encounter

Marriage Encounter

Designed to give married couples the opportunity to examine their lives together – their weaknesses and strengths; their attitudes towards their families; their hurts, desires, ambitions, joys and frustrations – and to do so openly and honestly in a private, face-to-face, heart-to-heart “encounter” with the person whom they have chosen to spend the rest of their life.

Marriage Enrichment Weekend

A Marriage Encounter weekend is a process that married couples experience in the course of two or three days. This weekend gives spouses an opportunity to grow in their marriage through open and honest communication, face-to-face sharing, and heart to heart encounter in a comfortable, relaxed setting. We invite and encourage married couples of all ages and faith expressions to share in this experience and to become an integral part of this journey.

Upcoming Encounter Weekends

What Couples Are Saying About Their Marriage Encounter

“We have fallen in love again and feel closer than ever before.”

– JT (wife)

“I came because she begged and pleaded, but I got more out of this weekend than she did!”

-SD (husband)

“It was the best weekend in nearly 12 years of marriage. We now have a better understanding of each other.”

-KT & TT (husband & wife)

“I don’t know what you guys did on that weekend, but you sure have changed! It’s neat!”

-comment from son of MB & JB

“I found out how deeply my husband loves me.”

-KC (wife)

“I will recommend this to every married person I know!”

-WJC (husband)

Although it is true there are successful marriages without Marriage Encounter, we believe this weekend will offer a unique experience that can truly enrich your lives.

Our marriages so quickly settle into a series of routines, excluding the deep communication that marked our courtship and honeymoon. With demands of housework, careers, children and social calendars, we fall “out of touch” with each other; more importantly, we lose track of who we have become as the years have passed.

Your marriage can provide you far more satisfaction, growth and security than any other endeavor. Give your marriage an opportunity – Marriage Encounter!